General enquiries and proposals
If you have any queries regarding the Centre or would like to get in touch regarding a potential research project, please contact one of the co-directors.
Postgraduate research
If you have enquiries about postgraduate research, please follow the advice below.
The Centre of the History of Television Culture and Production and the Department of Media Arts offer postgraduate research opportunities for research in all areas of television culture and history. AHRC studentships (stipend and fee waiver) are available through the technē Doctoral Training Partnership involving a range of university partners. Studentships which involve collaboration between the university and industrial and cultural partners are also supported through the Collaborative Doctoral Award scheme. College scholarships are also available in addition to technē awards.
Prospective doctoral applicants should contact prospective supervisors in the Centre or Department to discuss your proposed research project. You may also contact Dr Chris Megson, the Director of Graduate Studies in the School of Performing and Digital Arts, for guidance on the process. If the Director of Graduate Studies and supervisors agree that the proposal may be suitable for a technē or College studentship, you will need to complete a technē application form via the technē application portal as well as the Royal Holloway application form.
Deadlines for applications are normally in January so you should contact supervisors well in advance of this in order to get proper advice and support.
Centre for the History of Television Culture & Production
Rm 2.03
11 Bedford Square